Is The Affordable Care Act Working?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was meant to usher in a new era of healthcare, insuring millions more Americans and improving health care access. While the current state of The Affordable Care Act is still under scrutiny as it once again faces legal hurdles after President Donald Trump and his administration supported a lawsuit questioning the health-care law’s constitutionality, it’s important to ask the question, is it working?

5 Ways to Attract Young Adult Patients Right Now

While medicine remains a profession of lifelong learning and care of others, it is also very much a business. Physicians and other health care providers serve the needs of patients, but we can’t do so if we are unable to reach them. While a great number of physicians—apart from our pediatrician colleagues—focus their efforts on an aging patient base, the reality is that we may need to reconsider our marketing strategies. Millennials, the generation with an often obscure definition (sometimes born after 1983, sometimes as early as the late 1970s) is fast becoming a powerful market force. Made of around 1.8 billion adults, the group has now overcome the Baby Boomers as the largest generation, accounting for almost a quarter of the American population.

What surgeons should do to prevent burnout

The notion of physician burnout has been discussed in quiet circles for decades, but it is being discussed even more frequently among medical professionals at large and even in lay publications.

Happy Mother’s Day to Women in Medicine: A Note From Your Family

Over 355,000 doctors in the United States are female. Throughout the United States, these doctors balance a variety of tasks: working 60 hour weeks, being a wife, caring for patients, working nights, maintaining a fitness routine, advocating for the needs of others, creating and changing policy, being an entrepreneur — and some do all of this while being a mother, too.

6 Ways Doctors Can Fit in Fitness

Maintaining a fitness routine while trying to keep up with a busy work schedule and taking care of your family can be near to impossible. For doctors, or those of us with a career in medicine, it can be particularly challenging. But, if being fit is a priority for you, you need to make time for it.

8 Ways To Tackle Your Student Loan Debt

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of student loan debt you have? You are not alone.

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